Monday, May 5, 2008

TBD is a B

Well this was a big day. We have new pictures. TBD is now the size of a banana. And we know that TBD is a BOY! I was surprised. Trysh had me pretty convinced, using that women's intuition thing that we were going to have a girl.

For about a week I would argue that we were having a boy, but then I believed it too.

We asked the ultrasound person to write the sex on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope for us. After our appointment, we took the envelope for a walk out to the lake and opened the envelope. It was a totally perfect day. Sunny, calm, the first really nice day after a serious winter. We sat on the wall, opened the envelope and looked at our yellow sticky pad answer.

So now we are have to think of boy names. And we have to get some miniature sports equipment.

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